Leadership Qualities

Leadership Qualities | How to Develop Great Leaders from Within Your Workforce (starting today!)

Talent scarcity is now one of the top concerns for HR practitioners. Recent reports show that a third of management struggle with developing future senior leaders because employees lack the necessary leadership qualities. Additionally:

  • Only 50% of surveyed leaders report they feel well-equipped to lead their organizations in the future
  • 45% have difficulty filling mid-level management positions [1]

As enterprises undergo changes it’s important to approach succession management with an eye on developing leadership from within. Here are some ways you can develop great leaders from within your company, starting today.

First thing’s first: help employees see the bigger picture

Before you take steps to build future leaders, everyone needs to be on the same page. Regular one-on-one meetings with employees are key to improve employee connection, impact, and appreciation to the organization. They also allow you to see what leadership qualities employees already have.

They’re also a perfect opportunity to help workers map their career paths. Unfortunately, most staffers simply don’t know what their career path should be, and have only an abstract idea of how they want to grow. Managers should take the time to help them identify where they want to be in six months, one year, and 3-5 years. In doing this, the employee will see what training, coaching, or mentoring they need to get to the next level.

Our “Check-In” feature encourages frequent communication and feedback without the tension of a conventional performance review. It documents coaching and routine communications between managers and direct reports outside a defined appraisal cycle. Both the manager and the employee can initiate conversations, and the manager has access to and can import feedback from the Check-In into a formal review, if one is given.

Set goals

Now that they know where they’re headed, the employee needs a game plan. It’s time to work with them to set goals that will move them forward on their career paths. Work with the team member to make Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based (SMART) goals that need to take place to accomplish the overall goal.

Bullseye’s Goals Management module enables organizations to assign individual, departmental and corporate goals that align with a company’s defined strategy and objectives.

Provide opportunities to develop leadership qualities within projects and tasks

Give some thought to the duties that are unique to managers. Employees will need these skills if they aim to move up within the organization. Allow workers to practice these competencies by allowing them to take part in overseeing projects and meetings. This gives employees the opportunity to practice essential leadership skills in a low-stakes situation.

Little by little, allow your employees to take on more responsibility and strengthen their leadership skills. Just be sure to recognize them for their performance and give feedback when they take initiative.

Bullseye’s social recognition and rewards function enables tangible recognition for performance and facilitates group discussion and collaboration in an intracompany environment.

Offer additional training

In most cases, an employee will need some formal leadership training in addition to the opportunities you provide within the organization. It’s valuable to bring traditional training methods to the table to complement their hands-on learning. This can be as easy as signing an employee up with an online educational platform or sending them to external seminars and programs

Our Training Management module enables organizations to assign training to employees and track completion. The system can link to customer content either developed internally or acquired from third parties. Additionally, Bullseye’s Competency Management module facilitates career growth by mapping available or recommended training programs to help close competency gaps.

Show that you value people

Employees want companies to invest in their growth. It’s important to provide the necessary support for employees to stay engaged and take ownership of their careers. Be sure to routinely solicit feedback from your team to make sure you’re actually addressing their needs.

Bullseye provides a survey tool with a unique way to rapidly integrate feedback from employees, customers, students and meeting participants into operational or performance management processes. Clients using the application also gain access to expert content developed by The Employee Engagement Institute, for which Bullseye is an authorized reseller.


When the time comes to fill a leadership position, hopefully these steps help you build a talent pipeline and employees with desirable leadership qualities to make the process simple. To make the best decision, consider using Bullseye’s comprehensive succession planning process and software to identify qualified successors and time to readiness. Transition from spreadsheets and sticky notes to an automated system that guides, captures, and retains the history of your succession planning efforts.

Bullseye Engagement is a leading global provider of cloud-based Human Capital management software tools. Our innovative solutions help organizations nurture their people talent from “hire-to-inspire.”

[1] https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2020-01-16-gartner-identifies-the-top-five-succession-risks-that